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Strengthening Customer Relationship Management


Continued Quality Innovation

Improving Quality Management Infrastructures

Q- Big Data Analysis System
Coway provides differentiated quality service by collecting customer requests and complaints through the VOC system and analyzing them through the Q- Big Data analysis system. Q- Big Data 분석시스템
Q- DR Quality Expert Committee
Quality-related issues at each DR-Gate are shared company-wide by the committee to come up with and implement ideas to solve such problems.

Quality Management Program

System of Improvement and Prevention Responsibility
The system of improvement responsibility is operated to find and address product defects, and the system of prevention responsibility takes preventive measures for possible defects.

Quality Improvement Progress Management
The improvement progress is managed real-time through the computer system, which shortens the schedule. Failure cases are managed through the accumulated database to improve quality continually.

Quality Forecast System
Risk factors that may affect manufacturing quality in a weekly production plan are detected and preventive measures are taken accordingly.

Daily Quality Issue Screening Net
Field records regarding customer service, return, etc. are analyzed every day through the real-time monitoring and analysis center for prompt and precise quality improvement.

QS7(Quality Solution 7 Days)
Upon a quality issue, the ‘Emergency TFT’ is dispatched to address the problem within seven days for customer satisfaction.

협력사 품질 혁신 프로젝트 시행 코웨이는 협력사들의 제품 품질 향상에도 앞장서고 있습니다. 2015년에는 협력사의 공정 및 신제품 품질 안정화를 위하여 ‘품질 혁신 프로젝트’를 시행하였습니다. 이를 통해 협력사의 품질 경쟁력을 확보할 뿐만 아니라 고품질의 제품을 제공해 고객만족도까지 함께 제고하고 있습니다.
Four Major Quality Innovation Plans for Suppliers

핵심 협력사 품질시스템 지도 및 육성
신규부품 협력사 가공공정 평가 및 승인
OEM/ODM 품질보증
증SUB 협력사 자주 품질보증 체계구축