We joined the UN Global Compact(UNGC) in June 2006 to abide by the 10 principles in the areas ofhuman rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to fulfill our role as a corporate citizen - a citizen who not only pursues its own growth, but also does its part in meeting and going beyond its social responsibility. This online sustainability report represents our commitment to becoming what we aspire to be.
As the UN announced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) followed by Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) that should be achieved by the global society, Coway will find the new growth opportunities and make sustainable growth by developing and implementing the solutions to SDGs achievement. SDGs include the UN global development agenda to be applied from this year to 2030 of 17 goals and 169 detailed tasks such as poverty alleviation, climate change response, economic growth, increasing employment and sustainable industrialization etc. Coway sets the response priority of SDGs as △ providing and strengthening management of sanitation and water, △ climate change reponse, △ gender equality and empowerment of women etc. and plans to arrange the corporate strategy that reflects thispriority to develop the related activities and to perform the monitoring.
Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. Coway wants to be a positive player in climate change, ensuring climate is kept on safe levels around the world for communities and environment. This demands important investments and collaborations.
Coway is the only Korean company which declared its support for the ‘UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’ agreed by 195 countries at the COP21 held in Paris in December 2015. We've been participating in the corporate voluntary carbon reduction plan scheme.
Conflict minerals refer to precious minerals such as tantalum, tungsten, tin, and gold distributed in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its adjacent countries in Central Africa. This region is often insecure, due to the involvement of regional militias causing armed conflict for mining purposes. In this process, human rights abuse Occurs frequently. Therefore, advanced sovereignties, including the U.S. and EU, have been introducing voluntary regulationo to discouragethe use of conflict minerals to protect human rights. Restriction on voluntary use of conflict minerals. Since 2012, Coway has restricted the use of conflict minerals voluntarily regardless of restrictions. Coway has voluntarily limited the use of conflict minerals, regardless of the regulations since 2012 and uses Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) form to maintain the reliability and consistency. Coway shall fulfill the voluntary suppression on the use of conflict minerals through the identification of refineries for four metals described previously and the continuous communication with partners.