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Sustainability Data Disclosures


Employment Indicators

Business Sites and No. of Employees
Category 2013 2014 2015
Domestic Total No. of Employees 4,776 4,768 4,780
No. of Employees by Business Area Production 257 249 250
Sales 3,232 3,344 3,331
R&D 364 354 368
Clerical 895 796 805
Others 28 25 26
No. of Employees by Employment Type Regular 3,738 3,898 3,936
Temporary 1,038 870 844
Overseas Total No. of Employees 770 991 1,292
No. of Employees by Employment Type Overseas postings 38 17 15
Local recruitment 732 974 1,277

New Employment, Turnover, and Average year of service

Coway is fulfilling its social responsibility through creating employment for vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, as well as to recruit excellent human resources to maintain its leading position in the market and strengthen the company's competitiveness. A monthly average of 46 disabled workers served in 2015.

Category 2013 2014 2015
No. of New Employees 628 645 643
Rate of New Recruitment(%) 13.5 16.5 13.4
No. of Retirees 687 655 628
Turnover Rate(%) 14.2 13.6 13.1
Average year of service 5.6 6.0 6.5

Diversity Indicators

Employees by Gender and Age

Coway is an equal opportunity provider and does not discriminate based on age or gender. In 2015 there were no violations related to child and forced labor, and in 2016 we plan to establish a global CSR Guide containing human rights, labor, environment and overall safety principles.

Category (Unit:Persons) 2013 2014 2015
Executives by Age and Gender Aged 30-50 Male 11 14 12
Female 2 2 2
Over 50 years of age Male 12 11 11
Female - - 1
Employees by Age and Gender Under 30 years of age Male 43 74 69
Female 248 295 252
Aged 30-50 Male 1,398 1,421 1,465
Female 2,394 2,374 2,448
Over 50 years of age Male 34 42 38
Female 629 562 508

Basic Remuneration Comparison between Men and Women

Coway does not adopt different remuneration policies for male and female employees, but pays the same salaries to both from the time they begin working at the company.

Category (Unit : KRW) 2013 2014 2015
New Employees Basic annual salary for a new male employee 35,764,144 36,908,592 38,000,000
Basic annual salary for a new female employee 35,764,144 36,908,592 38,000,000

Safety & Health Related Indicators

Safety & Health Related Certification

With a high portion of clerical and sales employees, Coway tends to have a lower industrial accident rate compared to other manufacturing industry companies. However, at business sites which have a higher potential for safety accidents, such as Coway’s Yugu and Incheon plants as well as its R&D Center, Coway operates an Industrial Safety and Health Committee for each business site to respond to potential risks. At the same time, it upholds rigid safety management standards by meeting the very highest re quirements for renowned safety and health management system certificates. In 2015, Coway had no industrial accident case.

Category Notes
Safety & Health Certification Yugu Plant
  • OSHAS 18001: 2007(2011.07.14~2014.07.13)
  • KOSHAS 18001
Incheon Plant
  • KOSHAS 18001

Indicators Related to Handling Employee Grievances

Operation of the Labor-Management Council

Coway discusses its major decisions and changes it implements regarding corporate management through regular meetings of the Labor-Management Council. If significant operational changes occur, we transparently share them in advance, and in 2015, a total of seven Labor-Management Council were held to discuss 10 agenda including operation of evaluation committee, determination of promotion and annual salary, payment of year-end incentives, system improvement of corporate culture and training etc.

Category 2013 2014 2015
No. of Council Meetings 4 5 7
No. of Agenda Issues Discussed 11 9 10
No. of Agenda Issues Resolved 11 9 10

Operation of the Grievance Counseling Program
Category 2013 2014 2015
No. of Grievances Submitted 35 61 51
No. of Grievances Handled 35 61 51
Handling Rate 100 100 100
Major Grievances HR, Sales, Job, Private Matters

Anti-corruption Related Indicators

Anti-corruption Training
Category 2013 2014 2015
Anti-corruption Training (Ethics Management, Proper Business Practices) 57 87 40

Corruption-related Monitoring and Responses
Category 2013 2014 2015
Analysis of Corruption Risks Measures against Corruption Cases 7 7 7
No. of inspected business sites Suspension with pay and other measures 58 50 54

Indicators Related to Social Contribution

Social Contribution and Volunteer Activities

On top of company-wide social contribution programs which reflect Coway’s business scope, Coway also works hard to create tangible social value for every body.
For example, the company encourages employees to volunteer at least 16 hours a year.

Category 2013 2014 2015
No. of Volunteer Groups 1,396 1,495 1,449
Volunteer Hours per Employee 24.4 20.0 24.3
Social Contribution Costs & Donations
(unit: KRW 100 million)
5.6 13.4 15.17