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Strengthening Product Reliability and Safety


Response to External Technical Regulations

To secure customers’ trust in its products and obtain objective recognition of the high reliability of its products among customers, Coway has obtained certificates for each product from authorized institutions and made known the details. Coway will continue adopting stricter quality management standards, advanced technologies, and new test methods in order to provide customers with reliable products.

Certifications from Authorized Testing Institutions

Coway has obtained 15 certificates from international authorized testing institutions and secured more than 200 specialized testing facilities, with which it can certify products independently. Coway has developed products that meet various standards in different countries and obtained related certificates, shortening the time for product certification and release. As such, Coway responds to rapidly changing market situations, strengthening its product competitiveness.

공인 시험소 취득 현황 : 전기안전시험소 9개, 환경에너지 시험소 4개, EMC시험소 2개, 2015년 신규 취득 중국:CVC WMT, 국내:에너지효율
Establishing SAFETY / EMC / ENERGY / Feedwater line related specification comprehensive testing laboratory

Coway has introduced and built the equipment to verify the specifications related to the product safety, electromagnetic waves, energy efficiency, feedwater line safety etc., in an orderly manner in order to enhance the capabilities of self-verification for the product. In 2015, the equipment for energy efficiency testing equipment has been fully established and the energy efficiency testing laboratory has been acquired to enable the self-certification. In addition, by expanding the scope of accreditation of KOLAS (internationally recognized testing certification) Coway has strengthened the self-verification capabilities.

Major Certificates by Product Groups

환경가전업계 최초 중국 공인시험소(CVC) 취득 코웨이는 환경가전업계 최초로 중국 ‘CVC 공인시험소’ 자격을 취득했습니다. 이를 통해 전기∙안전 분야 인증을 자체 시험 결과로 승인할 수 있게 되 인증 승인에 소요되는 시간을 단축함과 더불어 제품 안전에 대한 국제적 위상 강화를 통해 제품 경쟁력을 한층 높일 수 있게 되었습니다.
상세 내용 활성화
In 2015, Coway obtained the certificate of CVC product safety testing institution from the CVC authorization agency. With this certificate, Coway is eligible to conduct ‘CCC (China Compulsory Certification)’ which is an electricity and safety certification for water purifiers, air cleaners, bidets, and juicers, and ‘CQC (China Quality Certification) which is an autonomous certification in the international safety certification center of its own environmental technology research center. ‘CCC’ is a basic requirement for domestic companies to export electric/electronic products to China. By shortening the time for certificate acquisition and improving the efficiency, Coway has improved its global status regarding product safety and competitiveness.
